Emilian Oneșciuc
My story
- Proud son of Bucovina
- Electronics engineer by profession
- Tireless builder by vocation
- As a child and teenager I built countless functional
models and various other wonders, useful,
uinteresting, funny, or all in one place
- In the factory I designed electronics for the defense industry
- I later discovered the fascinating world of insurance, where I created, applied and tested
tools and strategies for the composite sales force
- To turn a man, distrustful and grumpy, or on the contrary, eager to buy insurance and demanding,
a client with two, three, four or more insurance policies, "real" policies, is for me
one of the delights of my work
- I remember with satisfaction clients, some of whom I met then, on the spot, who revealed
themselves to me
like this: " I was determined to refuse you and end the conversation in 3 minutes. Now I realize
that I bought 3 insurance policies.
I don't know how you did it, but you did it!"
- I am delighted that I was able to convey this burning passion to my teammates in the two
training departments that I created from scratch,
in two international insurance companies, both composites
- Over time, based on the experience I gained, I wrote a book, published in three editions (2015,
2016 and 2018), then the second, written together
with another indomitable spirit, Simona, in 2019
- BrainO is the natural consequence of 30 years of tenacious and creative work
My contribution to BrainO
- The idea was born one night, after during the day I had thought about how to share my experience
with as many insurance consultants as possible,
in the form of a useful and attractive tool, to which they can strongly attach
- Simona joined immediately, followed by Răzvan, and thus the team was formed
- Then, on 8 slides, I presented the idea to a visionary leader, whom I convinced on the spot and
who got involved in financing the project
- Architecture and content creation followed; because I really enjoyed this activity, it's hard
for me to say whether during this period I was
at work permanently or on vacation permanently
- I created the logo, tagline and other visual identity elements, which took their current look
after collaborating with a talented designer
- It helped me enormously that, over time, night after night, I wrote down the innovative ideas
that I applied and tested in practice, during the day,
with clients
- BrainO was born out of a burning desire to provide enough insurance to as many customers as
Simona Camelia Panaite
My story
- I have been working in insurance since 1992
- I have worked in international insurance companies, the first being a life insurance company,
and the others composites
- I'm an economist, although medicine was my first choice after finishing high school
- I did not become a human doctor, but a financial doctor, and finding solutions for the
financial health of clients has become a passion for me
- Moreover, education in the field of personal protection, family, business, proved to be at
least as challenging as the work of the neurosurgeon,
as I dreamed of becoming, during my high school years
- Over time, I realized how great the need for education in the field of protection is and how
much needs to be done in this regard
- The individual and group training of the people I worked with and still work with, the courses
for students, presentations among business people,
professional associations, in dedicated shows, and many others, were actions through which I
aroused interest, stimulated curiosities, all with the goal of teaching people how to protect
- That's what I've done and continue to do in the agencies I've developed
- That's how I got to work with Emilian on a book and now on a new project
My contribution to BrainO
- Probably because we are the same age and share a history in insurance of over 25 years, Emilian
and I have the same view on the importance
of insurance education
- That's why, when Emilian told me about the new project on education, I immediately agreed to get
- Content creation, the financial-accounting part and new financing projects, are the areas in
which I find myself in this project
- My experience in corporate insurance is a perfect match for Emilian's composite retail
- Then, because an education and learning project for selling composite insurance requires
state-of-the-art technology, it became obvious that we needed
a partner capable of developing it, now and in the future
- We co-opted Răzvan as an expert in artificial intelligence, together with his team of
- The evolution of the project will also take each of us in new directions (brand registration,
marketing strategy, new automations and development of new services - customised courses at
classroom or as study material, process optimisation / e-learning platforms and more)
- It is certain to me that the BrainO project opens up boundless perspectives to which all three
contribute with enthusiasm and passion
Răzvan Ștefan Tecuceanu
My story
- I am a native of Brașov.
- I graduated in mathematics from Bergische University Wuppertal with Summa cum laude
- Over the years I have established myself as one of the pioneers in the fascinating field of
artificial intelligence
- A journey that started in 1998 with a simple love story for mathematical equations turned over
time into an intense passion for AI
- Over the years I had the opportunity to turn theory into practical applications working for
large companies in Europe, including two
insurance giants, where the power and capacity of the servers allowed this advanced technology
to run
- Throughout these two decades or so I have remained at the forefront of the field, considering
myself a tireless ambassador for artificial intelligence
- For me, AI is more than just technology; I see it as an essential tool, as fundamental to human
progress as the hammer for construction,
the pencil for spreading knowledge, or the airplane for fast travel
- AI is not just a tool, but an extension of the human ability to create, innovate and adapt in an
ever-changing world
- I have a deep sense of belonging to this realm of innovation and technology, a sense that
motivates me to explore and push the boundaries of what this
amazing technology can do
- When someone asks me what I do, I like to answer with a touch of mystery and enthusiasm: "I
create magic using artificial intelligence.
I make papers disappear, playing with digitization"
- This is not only a description of my work, but also a metaphor for how I see the role of AI in
the modern world: a tool that transforms the old into
the new and the complicated into the simple
My contribution to BrainO
- Ever since I heard about BrainO's core concept, I immediately recognized the innovative spirit
and growth potential it offers, both in insurance and
other fields where education is vital
- We have identified an idea that deserves not only to be explored, but also to be realized, thus
revolutionizing the way in which people
in the insurance field understand their work and develop personally
- The deep bond between me, Simona and Emilian was obvious from the start, being all three on the
same wavelength
- I increased the educational value of the concept by adding virtual clients
- These customers, being complex replicas of real customers, on multiple levels of interaction and
are waiting to be convinced by users to buy insurance, to have, as Emilian would say, enough
- At the heart of our innovation lies a promise: to go beyond simply integrating cutting-edge
technology into our designs
Andreea Bianca Ciobaniuc
UX/UI & Graphic designer
Chifu Amatis
Multimedia editor
Valentin Iacub
Corneliu Tirbu
Ivan Dovbenco