I am BrainO,
your virtual assistant!

I know a lot about insurance and I'm ready to help you
What do you want to start with?


Click on the video to discover the most important functionalities that we the BrainO app offers.

BrainO Mission

Our mission is to help raise the level of training of people in insurance. Because only professionals are able to provide the quality service that clients and their families need. This is our contribution to the well-being of society.


BrainO Vision

BrainO is the preferred source of inspiration and learning for people in insurance. Families served by our users have a better life. And so do our users.


BrainO Values

"Nothing is more powerful than an idea that whose time has come"
Victor Hugo

Honesty and integrity

We recommend methods that have proven their worth because we make we ourselves what we suggest others do. The ultimate goal is to educate clients to take the best decisions for their families' financial security.

Accessibility and simplicity

You find what you're looking for quickly and we use easy to understand language.


It is a unique concept dedicated to those who sell insurance We use artificial intelligence to enhance the value of the content.


You can contact us by phone or email for any questions or requests.

Or you can write a message in the box on the right

Phone +40 720 000 044 +40 722 581 646
Email emilian@braino.group simona@braino.group